‘24/’25 get sharp FUTSAL
Team Registration
Registration Deadline for the 2024-25 Winter League is November 8th for all teams. Register online here.
Get Sharp Futsal League will use the Seven Hills High School Field House. To keep the playing surfaces clean and dry, please instruct your players not to wear dirty or wet game shoes into the facilities. We are lucky to have this amazing facility, and your cooperation is essential for the renewal of our contracts with them.
Age Divisions/Groups
Boys & Girls U8 - U19. Get Sharp Futsal League reserves the right to drop or combine divisions or age groups.
Get Sharp Futsal League will U.S.-certified officials to call our games, assuring the game is played the way it should.
Participating Teams
Get Sharp Futsal League is open to any team/club as we promote club-neutral futsal play.
Season Schedule Overview
The season kicks off on November 18th and concludes on February 18th. Get Sharp Futsal League schedules its games exclusively on weekends. Games will be Saturdays between 6 pm and 9 pm and Sundays between 8 am and 8 pm. Each team is guaranteed a minimum of 8 games throughout the season.
Important Coach Information
There is no coaching license to coach a team. Any adult who is registered with the team as a coach or manager can sit on the bench. This is a great option for teams with outdoor coaches who want to take a break, but still want their teams to have fun and play. Each coach must complete a background check and complete a safe sport online module.
Coaches with Multiple Teams
Get Sharp Futsal League will accommodate coaches with multiple teams by scheduling them with back-to-back games as much as possible. Any coach who has 3 or more teams will need to have an assistant in case of conflicts.
Game Scorecards
At the end of each game, referees will record all scores. If you see a score error on score/standings please reach out to the league director.
Competition Format & Rules
Official futsal FIFA Rules and Regulations as stated under the Laws of The Game will be enforced. Exceptions are noted below under House Rules. CLICK HERE for the FIFA rules of the game.
House Rules - addition to the Laws of the Game
1. The goalkeeper can throw the ball into the opponent’s box. ***
2. Scoring from kick-off IS allowed. ***
3. The goalkeeper can punt the ball from a live ball.
4. The pass-back rule will be implemented in all age groups. Once the keeper touches the ball, they cannot play the ball again until the ball is touched by an opponent.
5. There will be a `no heading` rule for U11 teams and under.
6. We will not switch benches between halves.
7. Game length is two (2) 20-minute halves for U8-U19
8. One three (3) minute half-time.
9. Each team will be allotted one (1) timeout per half.
10. No Overtime/Extra time
League Fees
Fees register one team of six (6) - twelve (12) players and two (2) coaches. The fees include referees’ fees. Cost is $650 for every team.
Medical Release
To be eligible to play, each player must have completed Medical/Media Release forms and all players have been registered online through TeamSnap Tournament.
Players/Sister Teams/Double Rostering
1) A sister team is created from an outdoor team that is split into two or more futsal teams. If you have a sister team in the league, you may borrow any number of players from the sister team.
2) Players may be double-rostered on teams but cannot play down an age group.
Game Balls
Get Sharp Futsal is responsible for providing the game ball.
Size ball used by each age group:
Under U12 - size 3
U13 and older – size 4
The wearing of shin pads will be mandatory for all players. Indoor, flat-soled soccer shoes also must be worn.
Home Team Colors
The home team is to wear white or lighter colors. If the Home team complies and there is a conflict, the visiting team must change jerseys. If the home team does not wear light/white and there is a conflict, the home team must change jerseys.
Forfeited Games
If a team fails to show up for a scheduled match, the referee shall allow a five (5) minute grace period. After five (5) minutes, if the team has not yet arrived or does not have enough players to field a team of at least four (4) players, the game will be forfeited. The game will be tallied as a three (3) to zero (0) loss for the forfeiting team and a three (3) to zero (0) win for their opponent. There is a $100 penalty for any team who does not show up to their game.
Teams forfeiting a match will not receive a refund on their registration fee. If a team emails the league to cancel the day of their game, the league reserves the right to NOT make up this game.
Point System and Tiebreakers
The determination within the group standings is as follows:
Three (3) points for a win
One (1) point for a tie
Zero (0) points for a loss
Forfeited games are recorded as a three (3) - zero (0) loss.
Points system and Tiebreakers
1. Total Points
2. Goal Difference
3. Goals For
4. Head-To-Head
Ejections - Red Cards
Players receiving red cards must sit out the next immediate match. Further penalties may be decided by the Competition Committee. The minimum penalty for an ejection is that the player shall not be permitted to play in the immediate next match. Depending on the cause of the red card a player can be expelled from the competition.
Coach Ejection
Coaches ejected from any match may face penalties, including expulsion from the league. Coaches receiving red cards must leave the facility immediately and sit out the next immediate match.
Games Cancelled by Opponents.
If an opponent cancels a game or does not show up for the game, the other team may use the game time.
There are no refunds for games canceled by opponents. If a team must cancel, call Get Sharp Futsal as soon as possible so we can notify the referees and give the other team a chance to plan accordingly. Canceling a game not only short-changes your team but your scheduled opponent.
If a game is not canceled a minimum of five (5) days before the scheduled game time, the canceling team will carry a fine of $100 and the game will be considered a forfeit.
Games canceled by Get Sharp Futsal
We reserve the right to postpone or cancel games at any time for any reason such as bad weather or facility problems. If we do decide to cancel games, refunds will not be provided.
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding our league, please feel free to contact us at ldeckert3@gmail.com.